Chronic Sinusitis: What Do You Need to Know About It? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

October 10, 2022
2 Min Read
Chronic Sinusitis: What Do You Need to Know About It? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

It is never convenient to have a cold, regardless of the season. When your cold develops into a sinus infection, it gets significantly worse. Long after upper respiratory infection symptoms have subsided, a sinus infection will continue to persist. Because you regularly experience sinus infections, you could even be aware that it is a sinus infection. Perhaps your sinus infection was discovered by your doctor after you just couldn't seem to get well. Since over 30 million Americans get sinusitis, your doctor probably treats them frequently.

When do you need to consult an expert, is the query. It could be necessary to consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist if your sinus infection simply won't go away or if you tend to get repeated sinus infections.

Chronic Sinusitis Treatments

Several treatments are available to help you feel better whether you have a chronic or acute sinus infection. Starting at-home therapies while keeping an eye on your sinusitis symptoms may be helpful if you have an acute sinus infection in its early stages. You should call your doctor for medicines and further treatment if your sinusitis gets worse. At-home care might lessen your symptoms even if you are being treated by your doctor. You have a lot of options right now for chronic sinusitis treatment. These consist of:

Steam Treatment

Start by taking a warm shower, then take a seat in the restroom and let the steam help clear your sinuses.

Heated compress

Apply a warm washcloth to your sore sinuses. Your face will feel less stressed thanks to the heat.

Organize a humidifier

Nasal pain will disappear if the air is given more moisture.

Consider nasal irrigation

Clear the mucus from your sinuses by using a bulb syringe or neti pot to flush salt water through them.

Take time to rest

Rest is necessary when you are ill. One of the finest methods for your body to recuperate is to rest.

Obtain adequate liquids

Your body can remove toxins and thin mucus with the help of more fluids.

Spray some saline in your nose

Your sinuses will stay moist if you use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray.

Utilize a steroid nasal spray

Sprays sold over-the-counter like Flonase, Nasacort, or Rhinocort help soothe irritated sinuses.

Sinusitis Symptoms

If you have any of the following sinusitis symptoms, you may have a sinus infection or sinusitis:

  • Fever of 101 degrees or more
  • Yellow or green nasal discharge
  • Having facial or upper tooth pain
  • Headaches
  • A cold that lasts for more than ten days
  • Discomfort or obstruction in your sinuses
  • postnasal drip at the back of your throat causing you to cough

Do you have a temporary or ongoing sinus infection?

Acute sinusitis is a common phrase for a transient sinus infection. Although this form of short-term sinus infection can continue for up to four weeks, most occurrences of acute sinusitis endure approximately a week. It is referred to as chronic sinusitis if your sinus infection persists for more than 12 weeks despite medical therapy.

Why do sinus infections occur?

Acute sinusitis is typically brought on by a bacterial or viral infection, thus it typically appears after you've had the flu or a cold. An acute sinus infection may over time progress into a chronic infection. The majority of persistent sinus infections are brought on by:

  • Issues with your sinuses' physical structure, such as nasal polyps, limited sinuses, or a deviated septum.
  • Allergies that lead to inflammation, such as hay fever

When to Contact Bass Medical

Call the staff at the BASS Medical Group if you believe you may be experiencing any symptoms or if you have chronic sinusitis. Our experts can advise you on the best course of action because they have expertise in treating all varieties of chronic sinusitis problems.