An injury at work is challenging enough- it's frightening, overwhelming, and full of unknowns. In addition, you must file a workers' compensation claim, handle the associated paperwork, engage with your insurance company and medical provider, and manage the fallout from a missing employee. The last thing you want is for your wounded employee to miss more time from work than required due to a protracted, inefficient treatment plan.
Your burden may be reduced by working with an occupational medicine professional. A skilled occupational medicine specialist can assist in getting your injured employees back to work fast while streamlining the process for you since they are knowledgeable in treating job-related injuries and have a thorough grasp of workers' compensation.
It's crucial to seek the advice of professionals when it comes to treating an injury at work. Here are a few benefits of consulting an occupational medicine professional.
Work Injury Compensation Support
It might be difficult to keep up with every step of the workers' compensation procedure. Having a partner to drive communication with important stakeholders, as well as support the injured employee's treatment and return-to-work plan, makes the process much less traumatic. When your occupational health doctor is also your partner, you may anticipate smooth claims processing with few obstacles.
When you work together with your provider, you may be better prepared for work injury so that you can promptly get your employees back on the path to recovery when they do happen. By enabling communication between the employer, injured employee, payor or third-party administrator, and other parties to advance the case, an occupational medicine provider will assist you in managing the procedure.
Workplace Injury and Medicine Experience
Your wounded employees should be able to be treated by a primary care physician or emergency room physician, but they will probably be given a passive treatment plan that consists of medication and bed rest. This can prolong your employee's time away from work and perhaps aggravate their ailment.
An occupational medicine-trained practitioner is far more equipped to identify and manage diseases and workplace injuries. Occupational medicine specialists will become familiar with the details of your workplace so they can develop a realistic, efficient treatment plan that gets an injured worker back to work swiftly and safely.
Clinicians in occupational medicine are prepared to treat wounded workers like commercial athletes, beginning treatment right away and encouraging an active recovery process. When doctors see patients right away, they may inform them about the advantages of going back to work and help them avoid any potential psychological barriers to recovery. Additionally, the sooner the wounded worker visits a doctor, the sooner they may start therapy, and the sooner they'll be able to do their previous duties in full.
One place to meet all of your needs
When treatment plans call for follow-up appointments and physical therapy, convenience plays a crucial role in determining whether patients stick to them. Patients are more likely to finish their treatment and get back to work quickly if they can go to one facility close to their place of employment for all of their needs, from the initial appointment through recuperation.
In addition to being practical, a "one-stop shop" for care may also lead to higher-quality therapy. You obtain continuity of care with little to no interruption to your therapy when your treating physician, specialist, and physical therapist are all located under one roof. Eliminating the need to see and obtain authorization from numerous physicians speeds up and improves the efficiency of the overall healthcare process.
You require a partner in the process of treating work-related injuries who is knowledgeable about how to do it while sparing you time and money. In BASS Medical, that partner is present. All of our clinicians have occupational medicine training, and they will assist you in the injury care process.
Partner with BASS Medical if you want an effective work injury care program. To get started, speak with one of our experts on workplace health.