Vitamin D Deficiency: How Can You Spot It Right Away? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

Health Education
October 21, 2022
3 Min Read
Vitamin D Deficiency: How Can You Spot It Right Away? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

When the body doesn't get enough vitamin D from food or sunshine, it develops a vitamin D deficit. Because your body produces vitamin D from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to sunlight, it is commonly referred to as the "sunshine vitamin”.

Vitamin D deficiency can result in osteoporosis, bone fragility, and shattered bones.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may not show for months or even years, making it challenging to diagnose. You could occasionally show no symptoms at all.

Even so, it's still useful to be aware of these warning signs and symptoms:

Regular Infections or Illnesses

Supporting immunological function, which enables you to fend off disease-causing germs and viruses, is one of vitamin D's most crucial functions. Vitamin D works with the cells responsible for fighting infections directly.

Low vitamin D levels may be a contributing factor if you become sick frequently, especially with the flu or the common cold. There is a connection between a deficit and respiratory tract infections such as colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia, according to many sizable observational studies.

Weakness and Exhaustion

Numerous factors can contribute to fatigue, one of which may be a vitamin D deficiency. Contrary to less obvious factors like stress, melancholy, and sleeplessness, vitamin D insufficiency is frequently disregarded as a potential contributor to exhaustion.

Back and Bone Aches

Lower back discomfort and bone soreness are two signs of insufficient vitamin D levels. By enhancing your body's absorption of calcium, vitamin D supports bone health.


Although some study findings are contradictory, vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with depression, especially in older persons.

Supplemental vitamin D has a range of benefits, but some studies have indicated that it can aid with depressive symptoms.

Impeded Healing of Wounds

Your vitamin D levels may be too low if your wound takes longer than usual to heal after surgery or damage.

Findings from test-tube research show that vitamin D boosts the creation of substances essential for the development of new skin throughout the wound-healing process.

One analysis of four trials discovered that persons who underwent dental surgery who were vitamin D deficient had trouble recovering in several areas.

Loss of Bone

The metabolism of bones and the absorption of calcium both depend heavily on vitamin D.

This is significant since taking calcium and vitamin D together promotes maximum absorption by your body.

Your bones may have lost calcium and other minerals if your bone mineral density is low. Women in particular who are older are at an increased risk of fractures as a result.

Loss of Hair

Hair health may be impacted by a variety of diets and minerals. Although stress is a major factor in hair loss, extreme cases may also be brought on by illness or a vitamin D shortage. Low vitamin D levels have also been associated with female pattern baldness.

Sore Muscles

It might be challenging to identify the specific reasons for muscular discomfort. However, research points to a possible cause of insufficient vitamin D. In an earlier study, it was discovered that three-quarters of persons with chronic pain had a vitamin D deficit.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

Blood levels below 20 ng/mL are commonly regarded to be deficient in vitamin D, while values between 21 and 29 ng/mL are thought to be inadequate.

Although there are no one unique causes of vitamin D deficiency, some underlying disorders or lifestyle choices may make you more likely to experience it overall. The following are some of the most typical risk factors for vitamin D deficiency:

  • Dark skin tones
  • Aging
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Not consuming a lot of fish or dairy
  • Living far from the equator or somewhere where there isn't much sunlight all year round
  • Remaining or doing work indoors
  • Working shifts during the night
  • Having chronic liver, renal, or hyperparathyroidism disease
  • Undergoing a gastric bypass
  • Utilizing certain drugs, such as statins and steroids, that impact vitamin D metabolism


Your body requires vitamin D to remain healthy. To receive a blood test to evaluate your levels, be sure to contact a healthcare practitioner such as Bass Medical if you have risk factors for developing vitamin D insufficiency or are exhibiting symptoms.