Otolaryngology is the field of medicine that focuses on the ears, nose, and throat. An otolaryngologist is often called an ear, nose, and throat doctor, or an ENT for short. Stuffy nose? Ear infection? Sore throats? BASS has got you covered! Call or schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified ENT specialists today!
Ear Symptoms:
Nasal Symptoms:
Throat Symptoms:
Head and Neck Symptoms:
Your treatment plan is personalized to your needs and may include anything from over-the-counter medication to surgery. We offer surgical and non-surgical treatment options, including:
General ENT Procedures
General ENT Disorders
Nasal/Sinus Disorders
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Disorders
Ear/Hearing Disorders
Voice Disorders
Head/Neck Disorders
Facial Plastics Disorders
Ear Symptoms:
Nasal Symptoms:
Throat Symptoms:
Head and Neck Symptoms:
Your treatment plan is personalized to your needs and may include anything from over-the-counter medication to surgery. We offer surgical and non-surgical treatment options, including:
General ENT Procedures
General ENT Disorders
Nasal/Sinus Disorders
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Disorders
Ear/Hearing Disorders
Voice Disorders
Head/Neck Disorders
Facial Plastics Disorders