Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)

Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)

Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)

During Computerized Dynamic Posturography, the person stands on a computerized platform while balance is measured under different circumstances. For example, the floor may move beneath the person’s feet, or the patient may be asked to maintain balance with eyes closed (see below for the four parts of the assessment). The reflex movements made by the person to keep from falling are measured and this helps determine which part of the balance system is affected. Increased postural sway is a strong indicator of poor balance and a leading cause of falls. The results of this test may help the neurologist determine the cause of the balance – visual, vestibular, or proprioceptive.

  • Test the person’s ability to maintain balance on a hard surface with eyes open. Allows the person to use all of his senses to maintain balance.
  • Test the person’s ability to maintain balance on a hard surface with eyes closed. Requires the person to reply on vestibular and proprioceptive systems. Difficulty could indicate heavy reliance on visual cues.
  • Test the person’s ability to maintain balance on a changing surface with eyes closed. This removes vision and conflicts proprioception. Difficulty could indicate vestibular problems.
  • Tests the maximum range of movement in different directions the person can sustain without losing balance.

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