Feeling Off Balance Lately? Here's What That Could Mean

November 7, 2022
2 Min Read
 Feeling Off Balance Lately? Here's What That Could Mean

The inability to stand erect and move with assurance is a sign of balance issues. They occur when you are shaky or unable to control your body's position.

The sensation might occur whether you are moving or not. Balance problems frequently cause nausea or vertigo—a spinning or falling sensation. Disorientation and impaired vision are some common symptoms.

Balance problems are a common symptom of a variety of illnesses. A doctor doesn't need to treat many of these problems. However, if you experience balance issues, you should visit a doctor to rule out more serious health issues like a tumor or stroke.

Causes of Feeling off Balance but Not Dizzy

Inner-ear issues may cause balance problems. Issues with the body's mechanisms supporting equilibrium can also trigger them.

Because older individuals often have more health issues and because our balance system changes as we age, balance issues become increasingly prevalent. But if you suffer from this symptom, it's crucial to visit a doctor. This symptom is rare; major illnesses, such as a tumor or stroke, may cause it.

The following are typical reasons for balance problems:

  • High or low blood pressure are examples of circulation issues.
  • An injury to the head or neck has occurred.
  • Infections
  • Problems with the inner ear
  • Dehydration
  • Illnesses of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's
  • Pregnancy
  • An ear virus may impair your sense of balance. Colds may cause pressure fluctuations in the middle ear, which have the same vertigo-inducing effects. In most cases, these infections go better on their own.
  • Medicines: Medication is one of the most frequent causes of balance issues.

Frequently, drugs will include dizziness as a side effect. It's much more likely that the various prescription medications you're taking may combine in ways that make you shaky.

  • Getting older: Although you are wiser and older, you could be a little less stable. As you age, your inner ear balancing system may deteriorate. Poor balance may be due to weak eyesight, hearing, or even touch senses, all of which can worsen over time.

But put on your yoga clothes and get out your mat; balance-enhancing activities like tai chi and yoga can keep you stable. Regular exercise is critical for activating our balancing system. If you don't use it, you will lose it.

Treatments for Feeling Out of Balance and Tired

To address balance issues, doctors often treat the ailment or condition that is causing them. The following are typical treatments for balance issues:

  • Maintaining normal blood pressure requires a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Physical exercise involves strengthening muscles to aid in restoring balance.
  • Tumor removal surgery
  • Stopping or altering prescription drugs that cause vertigo or balance issues

Identifying Balancing Issues

Doctors use physical examinations to identify balance issues. Doctors will question you about your symptoms and medical history. Doctors perform the following tests to determine the root cause of balance issues:

  • Balance Test: To look for balance issues, a doctor will ask you to make precise head and body movements as part of a balancing test.
  • Hearing tests: Doctors can spot issues with the ears.
  • Imaging: A CT or MRI scan allows medical professionals to see any problems with the ears or brain.

When is the right time to consult a doctor or physician?

If you are experiencing symptoms such as feeling off balance and tired, you may have:

  • Are accompanied by neck discomfort or a headache
  • Induce dizziness or falling
  • Include nausea or having trouble walking.
  • Lasting for about an hour

It is advisable to visit a doctor to rule out any potential suspects. Inner ear issues are frequently to blame, so be sure to bring up symptoms like hearing alterations, ringing, or a sense of fullness in the ears. However, there are instances where the condition is associated with other diseases, including heart problems or neurological issues.

It makes sense to start by speaking with our primary care physician at BASS Medical Group because there are so many different variables of feeling off balance and shaky that might affect your balance If you have specific questions or concerns, you can schedule an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist at BASS Medical Group. We can provide personalized advice and recommendations.

If you're feeling off balance, contact BASS Medical Group today

We are concerned about your general well-being here at BASS Medical Group. For a consultation with one of our professionals to go through your pain-management choices, make an appointment. There is hope for balance problems! Call us right away.