Infections are a common occurrence, especially during the winter season. Because people are spending more time indoors close to one another, it makes it easy for viruses to spread. Moreover, dry, cold air and winter weather can weaken the immune system.
There are several ways to recognize an infection and prevent its spread. Let’s take a deeper look.
Kidney Infection Signs and Symptoms
Infections are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. They can enter the body in various ways and cause disease by multiplying and spreading. Infections such as the common cold and flu are easily treatable, but others can be more serious. One infection, in particular, to look out for is a kidney infection.
A kidney infection is caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract. Symptoms to look out for include:
- Fever
- Chills
- Painful or frequent urination
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Pain in the lower back or side
They can spread through direct contact with infected urine. Additionally, it can spread through droplet transmission (e.g., talking, coughing, and sneezing) and indirect contact with contaminated objects or surfaces.
A Sinus Infection: The Essentials
Another infection to watch out for is a sinus infection. A sinus infection is caused by a virus or bacteria and is usually the result of a cold or flu. Moreover, they can also arise because of allergies or structural issues in the nasal passage. Symptoms of a sinus infection can include:
- Yellow or green nasal discharge
- Nasal congestion
- Facial pain or pressure
- Headache
These infections can quickly spread by coming into contact with infected mucus, droplet transmission, or indirect contact with contaminated objects.
How Infections Spread
Though it’s important to note common infections, knowing how infections spread and how to prevent them is equally important. Consider these several ways that diseases can spread.
Direct vs. Indirect Contact
Direct contact is when a person comes into immediate contact with an infected person. This could happen through physical contact like sharing items, shaking hands, or sexual contact. This could also include being bitten by an animal or handling animal waste. Lastly, a mother can pass an infection to her unborn child by passing germs through the placenta.
Indirect contact is when a person comes into contact with an object that an infected person contaminated. Typically, to be affected by indirect contact, a person must touch their mouth, nose, or eyes.
Droplet Transmission
Coughing and sneezing are two ways that a person can spread infection. This is because tiny droplets that carry the microorganisms are released into the air, thus being inhaled by others.
Fecal-Oral Transmission
Though less common than the other forms of transmission, fecal-oral transmission is another spreading factor to note. This occurs when a person ingests contaminated food or water; water filters can help mitigate this risk.
Safely Prevent Infection
Taking preventative measures to avoid infections will make for an easeful cold and flu season. There are many ways to prevent the spread of infection and disease. Here are a few to consider:
- Practice good hygiene
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
- Avoid sharing personal items (e.g., towels and toothbrushes)
- Wash your hand often with soap and water
- Wear a mask
- Practice safe sex
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
- Get vaccinated
Stay Healthy with BASS Medical Group
There are many infections to look out for, from a staph infection to a common cold. Though infections can spread in several ways, good hygiene and cleanliness are great prevention tools. If you’re concerned that you may have an infection, it’s essential to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
BASS Medical Group has you covered if you’re looking for a trustworthy healthcare provider. Our professional medical staff is here to care for you and your family’s health.
Contact us today to book an appointment!