How Soon Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?

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How Soon Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?

Planning a family is an exciting time in a person’s life. When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s natural to feel eager to take a pregnancy test. So, how soon can you take a pregnancy test? Well, this is dependent on a few different factors.

We’ve detailed top need-to-knows about pregnancy tests and when to take them. So, before researching “when should I take a pregnancy test,” take a deeper look!

When to Take a Pregnancy Test: The Essentials

Pregnancy tests assist you in discerning whether or not you’re pregnant. These tests can detect the presence of a specific hormone in your urine. The placenta produces this hormone (hCG) after a fertilized egg has implanted into the uterus. 

There are a few options if you’re wondering when to take a pregnancy test. The earliest these tests can detect pregnancy is around the time of a missed menstrual cycle. Typically, this is between 8 to 15 days after conception. However, because it’s still early, the hormone may not yet be detectable at this point. In some cases, some will need to wait longer before testing.

All in all, if you think you have the potential to be pregnant, wait until your menstrual period is late to take a test. To mitigate a false negative or positive, you can also test in the morning on the day your expected menstrual cycle starts. Ensure that you don't dilute your urine with too much water for an accurate test. 

Menstrual Cycles: Regular vs. Irregular

A woman’s menstrual cycle has much to do with determining a pregnancy. If you have a regular cycle, it’s easy to track the timing of your last period(s). However, if your cycle is irregular, it could cause some confusion. 

An irregular cycle will make it difficult to indicate whether or not you’ve missed your period. It also makes it challenging to determine the exact time of a missed menstrual cycle. Some women may also experience spotting or light bleeding in early pregnancy. This makes it easy to dismiss being pregnant. 

Taking a Pregnancy Test: A Detailed Look

As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to wait longer before taking a test, as this will mitigate false negatives. It also ensures that hCG in your urine is easier to detect. However, if you get a negative result, it’s still possible that you may be pregnant. It’s helpful to remember that drugstore pregnancy tests will not always provide accurate results. 

Types of Pregnancy Tests

There are numerous ways to take a pregnancy test. The most common and widely available is an at-home test. They’re easy to use in the comfort of your own home. By following the packaging instructions, you’ll easily be able to take the test and get a result within minutes. At-home tests work by detecting the hCG in the urine.

Another option to determine if you’re pregnant is getting a blood test. These are highly reliable testing options for those who are looking for accuracy. A more responsive test, they can detect pregnancy earlier than an at-home test. Also, they can specify the overall soundness of your pregnancy and the level of hCG in your blood. Not to mention, they’ll be able to detect if your pregnancy is developing healthily, providing some peace of mind.

Ready For a Reliable Medical Team?

All in all, waiting around the time of your missed menstrual cycle is a safe bet for taking a pregnancy test. If you’re searching for a reliable medical group, look no further.

Here at BASS Medical Group, our medical professionals will treat you with the highest care and respect. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment!