Mononucleosis is a contagious ailment that frequently strikes teens and young adults, while it can also strike youngsters. The condition is brought on by viruses, most frequently the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), and certain diseases. Because it is easily transmitted by body fluids like saliva, mono is commonly referred to as "the kissing illness."
The majority of the time, mono is not severe and gets well on its own. Extreme weariness, physical pains, and other symptoms might still cause problems with everyday living, work, and education. You can have an illness from mono for around a month.
How Long Is Mono Contagious
While experiencing symptoms, which may last 2-4 weeks or even longer, a person is unquestionably infectious. Although it's unclear how long mono patients remain infectious after their symptoms have subsided, it appears that they can continue to spread the illness for months after that. After then, throughout the remainder of the person's life, the virus remains latent (inactive) in the body.
The dormant virus can occasionally wake up and enter someone's saliva. Even though they may not be sick or exhibit any signs of mono, they can still transfer the virus to others. Therefore, even if they feel OK, there is a very tiny risk that someone who has had mono in the past can transmit it to someone else.
Is Mono Contagious Through the Air
Yes. Among other ways, mono is caught via air. Mononucleosis can spread in other ways other through kissing. Mono's causing virus spreads by airborne droplets. This implies that any interaction with an infected person's saliva can spread the illness, including:
- Kissing
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Sharing cutlery
Mono can also be acquired by exchanging drinks with an infected individual.
Mono Symptoms
The symptoms of mono can range from minor to severe. They often develop gradually. Four to six weeks after being exposed to EBV, you are likely to get mono, if you do. Four weeks or more may pass before these symptoms disappear:
- Enlarged liver or spleen
- Extreme exhaustion
- Fever.
- Headaches.
- Decrease in appetite.
- Muscle weakness
- Rash.
- Painful throat
- Lymph nodes that are swollen in the groin, armpits, or neck.
Mono Treatment
Mono has no vaccine or treatment available. Mono is not treatable with antibiotics to treat bacterial infections or antiviral drugs to treat other viruses. Instead, therapies concentrate on easing your symptoms to make you feel better. Your care may consist of:
Mono exhausts you greatly. Your body fights illness as you sleep.
Drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated and avoid being dehydrated.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are used to treat pain by reducing inflammation, headaches, and muscular pains. Ibuprofen (Advil®) and naproxen (Aleve®) are two of these medications. Also effective is acetaminophen (Tylenol®). Use throat lozenges and gargle with salt water to relieve a sore throat.
Use throat lozenges and gargle with salt water to relieve a sore throat.
Limiting sports
Exercise raises the risk of splenic rupture by exerting too much pressure on an enlarged organ. While you're sick and for up to four weeks thereafter, stay away from contact sports and demanding exercise.
For mono, there is no vaccination. Keeping yourself clean is the best defense against the viruses that cause mono. If a person has mono or any other viral infection with symptoms like fever, coughing, sore throat, or exhaustion, don't share food, drink, or body fluids with them.
Call the Doctor
If you have mono and suffer any of the following symptoms:
- Breathing or swallowing issues.
- Fainting or dizziness
- Extreme arm- or leg-muscle weakness
- Painful bodily pains.
- Ongoing high fever.
- A terrible headache.
- Sharp abdominal ache in the upper left.
The majority of Mono instances don't have major consequences. Extreme weariness, a sore throat, and bodily pains are examples of symptoms that might interfere with life, work, and education. The best strategies to relieve symptoms are frequent rest and over-the-counter drugs. Additionally, it's critical to stay away from physically demanding activities that might rupture an enlarged spleen. Your healthcare professional such as BASS Medical may provide advice on how to feel better. Call us today!