5 Ways to Stop Spider Veins From Spreading

Blog Post
By BASS Vein Center
5 Ways to Stop Spider Veins From Spreading
October 19, 2023

The function of your veins is to carry the blood from your body back to the heart for reoxygenation. In contrast, the arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body. When the veins become damaged from stress, high blood pressure, or the sun, they may appear as fine lines or branches that look like thin lines of red, blue, or purple. These are spider veins. Spider veins can appear on the face due to sun exposure and pressure from coughing and sneezing but are most frequently found on the ankles and legs. These veins have the hardest job because they are the farthest from the heart. 

There are conservative ways to prevent spider veins from spreading. With this approach, you may be able to avoid needing spider veins treatment. Conservative treatments may prevent spider veins from turning into varicose veins, which usually need medical intervention. BASS Vein Center offers five ways to prevent spider veins from spreading

  1. Assess your BMI

          Evaluating your weight is one of the most important things that you can do to improve spider veins and your health overall. Carrying around excess weight is hard           on your veins, your arteries, and your heart. You don’t need to go on a trendy crash diet but you may need to make a lifestyle change. Bass Medical Group-           Bariatric Center has surgeons that can help you with your questions if you are considering surgical weight loss options.

  1. Manage your day

          Avoid standing or sitting in the same position for prolonged periods. Many employees spend hours sitting at their computers or standing in the same spot for hours.           This is very hard on your veins. Be sure to take a break every few hours and alter your position. When you get home, relax in your recliner and get those legs           elevated. This will help prevent spider veins from forming and spreading. 

  1. Reduce the edema in your body

          Edema is swelling caused by the collection of fluid in the body tissues. This swelling usually occurs in the feet, ankles, and legs. Water retention occurs when your           body is feeling dehydrated and is trying to hold onto the fluid. To help reduce this problem, walk for exercise, improve your diet, and drink more water. This is one           way to prevent spider veins in these areas.

  1. Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications

          You may experience swelling, warmth, and pain from the inflammation in your body. Anti-Inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, can be beneficial spider           vein treatments. They may reduce inflammation and make the spider veins less painful. If over-the-counter brands do not provide relief, you need to discuss it with           your physician.

  1. Wear compression socks

         Compression socks and stockings can help with both spider and varicose veins. You can purchase these at a medical supply store or get a pair fitted to you with a          physician’s prescription. If you approach this problem early enough and use the stockings, you may be able to postpone or eliminate the risk of future damage.

Many of the risk factors for developing spider veins are out of your control. If you are female and your mother and grandmother had varicose veins, you are at risk. If you are over 40 and post-menopausal, you are at increased risk. Increased BMI, lack of exercise, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle increase your risk even more. Still, it is never too late to start trying to slow down the progress of the spider veins. Contact our office at BASS Vein Center or call 925-281-5912 to schedule an appointment. 

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